শনিবার, ২২ অক্টোবর, ২০১৬

Preparation for 20th Council of Awami League

Preparation for giant 20th National Conference of ruling Awami League, the largest political party of the country, has been underway for past several days.

The decision making body of the party decided to hold the council after several years in Dhaka from October 22-23, 2016 to bring the right persons to the party's key posts and positions including its president and general secretary. 

According to present environment inside the party prime minister Sheikh Hasina will be elected its president but a change may take place for the post of its general secretary. 

Thousands of party men including more than 6 thousands councilors from all over the country have already arrived Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh. 

The main theme of the council for this year-2016 is "Bangladesh is speeding fast in super development highway - now it’s time to hold our head high,"  

শুক্রবার, ৭ অক্টোবর, ২০১৬


Hurricane is one of some other natural calamities. It is powerful to destroy whatever comes under the clutch of it.
Every year it erupted in nature and destroyed a lot including killing people in hundreds and thousands number.
The hurricane right now in the sky of Europe and Africa is named Matthew.
It is so powerful that has already killed 339 people in Haiti and now closes in on Florida.
People are still so helpless to natural calamities that they have nothing to prevent or stop it except a single option 'Be Alert.'

বৃহস্পতিবার, ৬ অক্টোবর, ২০১৬

A Historic Judgement; A Hindu Husband Can Divorce

The Supreme Court of India

Divorce is a word which brings a picture of pathetic situation created through separation between husband and wife. Divorce also shows a scenario of a broken family which once was a happy family consists of son or daughter.

Divorce in this sense is a word of separation, pain and disappointment. But the word is in dictionary and its effect is seen prevailing over societies of all religions especially Islam.
Divorce is very rare in Hindu families or society. Even there is no constitutional guidelines about how to divorce. But recently The Supreme Court of India has given a historic judgement observing the attitude of wives towards their aged parents-in-law that the Hindu husbands can divorce their wives if they try to convince them to live separately and away from their aged parents.